Haus2konzerte with Ben Osborn

Brueder Selke are very happy about Ben Osborn for Haus2konzerte #5.

B R U E D E R   S E L K E


Ben Osborn x Brueder Selke

Apr 12, 2022

freiLand Potsdam


Haus2konzerte are carfully curated editions by Brueder Selke, the East Berlin-born brothers, now Potsdam-based poly-instrumental composers Sebastian and Daniel Selke, also known as award-winning cello-piano duo CEEYS, founders of Q3Ambientfest.

Find some inspiration by listening and watching a remarkable handpicked lineup in a cosy atmospheric happening. Since 2021 Brueder Selke collaborate with freiLand Potsdam:

“We are deeply thankful to hausZwei/Libertalia e.V. for presenting and supporting this close encounter with contemporary music.“ – Brueder Selke

5-15€ suggested donation.

:::::: Ben Osborn ::::::

Coming from a poetic folk song tradition, Ben Osborn draws also from electronica and classical music to create a space in which highly personal and deeply political stories can be told. Ethereal string sections rise and fade, complex electronic beats skitter, dreamlike piano chords drift into view: in less capable hands it might sound miscellaneous, but he weaves his disparate influences into textural tapestries that sound like nobody but him.


:::::: Brueder Selke ::::::

Cello / Piano / Electronic

Born in East Berlin, the poly-instrumental composer & curator duo Brueder Selke is considered an insider's tip among music lovers. From Mary Anne Hobbs to like-minded colleagues, there's hardly anyone who hasn't come to appreciate the subtle experimental, yet accessible releases and performances of Sebastian on cello and Daniel on piano. Until now, the two of them have acted hidden under their alias CEEYS to come to terms with their childhood in East Berlin's Plattenbau.

With this past behind the Berlin Wall, collaborations have become an essential element in the work of the two, which is why they have been developing their own concert formats since 2017. Their annual hand-picked Q3Ambientfest has found a home in the Filmstadt Potsdam. In fall 2021, the second part of a dilogy with Musikhaus and reworks to their double LP Hausmusik of 2020 was released, gathering well-known and emerging guests and friends such as Simon Goff, Thor Harris, David Allred, Midori Hirano, Arnold Kasar, Hoshiko Yamane, Mara Simpson, Marina Baranova, Pascal Schumacher & Ben Lukas Boysen. The idea of exchange also determined their debut at the Ambient Festival: a reciprocal broadcast shaped an evening with performances by Hauschka, Alvin Lucier's The Ever Present Orchestra, Ausklang and the Brueder Selke.


Q3Ambientfest Crack Magazine Mix


Moving Sounds by James Heather