Live for Signa Dato

Sure, a bit short notice, but if you have time, the Brueder Selke, Sebastian and I will play on Saturday around 16:00 for the finissage of SIGNA DATO in Marquardt 🙂

Ben Biller - "East Pakistan" & "Stepanakert

Elke Burkert - "Layering of History" & "when time was young".

Lilli Brontë Falzoi - "Room 219A"

Hannah Lansburgh - "Cloud 8

Sugano Matsusaki & Pegah Keshmirshekan - "What's my line?"

Martin Noll - "Staircase" & "plastic picture of a staircase

Aline Schwörer - "It will become apparent that it is quite difficult to recognise which attribute each thing actually has".

Oliver Wellmann - "Attribute

Alungoo Xatan - "Silent Violence Series"

Berlin University of the Arts

"Thanks to the state capital Potsdam, the Department of Culture and Museum and the Berlin University of the Arts for cultural support; Filmverband Brandenburg e.V.; and to the Marquardt Protestant Parish for the use of the church."


Signa Dato impressions


Release QP